The Millionaire Mindset – An excerpt from a great online businessman

It all begins up here… on your mindset. You see, when you start your business, you need to start thinking like a business owner, and entrepreneur, and not an employee. You can’t think like an employee anymore otherwise, you’re just not going to make it.

Today you will see how personal development is tied to financial development. There is always the mindset before the skill set. And you’ll get to see how that works. How you can dig in and how you can take your mind and your business to the next level just by the way you think.

We’ll be talking about a very important shift that needs to take place in our lives in order for us to be successful online or offline.

We are going to go over the employee mindset versus the business mindset.

Growing up just like me, most people had no choice. We weren’t made aware that being an entrepreneur is an option unless you grow up in a business family. Most of us were programmed at an early age to go to school and get a job. That was just drawn into our mind. School even didn’t talk about being entrepreneurs. They talk about training you. Getting you ready to go to High school, go to college and get the job.

Actually, modern day schools were created back in the early 1800’s which were a corporate training program. They essentially wanted to get you on the assembly line. Sad as it is, that’s what it really has become today. Now, we’re not taught to be who we really want to be or do. We’re not taught how to be masters of our own wealth at our own time. It’s really up to us how to learn to make the shift from employee talent to one controlling our own lives, of being an entrepreneur. Taking full responsibility and ownership of where our lives are going.

We have to learn to free our minds of the limiting believes that has drawn us in from a very young age and have been condition to think like.

Let me prove it to you right here.

If you wanted to become an engineer, or if you want to become a doctor, or a lawyer, how would you get started? That’s a pretty clear path isn’t it? To enter to one of these occupations, you would pretty much know what to do. You would have to go to get additional schooling. You have to go and get a degree in whatever field it is to attain the credentials that would qualify you to get a job on one of these categories, right? Well, let me put it to you this way – How would you answer this question? How would you become a millionaire? How would you become a successful entrepreneur? How do I become the person to achieve all the goals in my life? We’re not really taught this in any school or university. We’re not taught the business-mindset.


Conditioning or reconditioning our mind for maximum success is critical. It’s everything. That’s where it all begins. You have to identify and get rid of the limiting beliefs from the past that are holding you back in business, and lots of people have that.

Take a look at this quote.

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This is a powerful quote and one that should be written down. If people are talking to you on what’s realistic and what’s real, then, that is more of an employee mindset trying to keep you down than trying to keep you focused. Now, sometimes those intentions are true and are good. They’re trying to protect you from things that are unknown to them. But ultimately, every single millionaire that we have known or met has simply said that by surrounding yourself with successful people and people who don’t think like that is ultimately the real key to your success.

Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad ) talked about before he escaped the employee mindset, he first went to a weekend of  self-development workshop. And he structured his diagram on a board. He said that if we want to be successful we need these four things:


Looking at this diagram, you would see why many A students (people who got A’s) fail in the real world when it comes to money and true wealth.

Here’s how it works – You can be educated logically and mentally, but if you are not educated emotionally, the fear will stop you from doing what you must do to become a success outside of the system that most people get trapped in to. You can have the best results in school, but if you’re not educated emotionally, fear is going to paralyze you.

That’s called ANALYSIS PARLYSIS which is actually caused by your own education system. Think about how you went through school. When you made a mistake. What happened? You got punished, didn’t you? Our education system “punishes” our people for making mistakes. A students are successful when they make the least amount of mistakes. But in the real world, it’s slightly different. People who take action and succeed in the real world are the ones who make mistakes, and learn.

I have not failed.

I only just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.

–Thomas Edison
Inventor and businessman

The people who don’t want to make mistakes, who want to get all the knowledge and everything in place before they even take on step of action – those are the people who usually don’t make anything because they do not want to take action. They’re afraid to make mistakes, and learn from it. Many people are not successful because they have failed a lot of times and let fear hold them back.

What is the mindset of a poor person?

What is the mindset of a wealthy person?

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The poor and middle class mindset believe that “life happens to them.” Have you ever met someone where an unfortunate circumstance they got wasn’t their fault? They always blame something or someone else. It’s always someone else’s fault things always are happening to them. They are always approaching things the way a victim would?  On the other hand, someone who is financially independent and rich and wealthy –I’m not talking about people who inherited money but someone who built their wealth from the ground up on their own. They are not a victim. They believe that they create their own life.  They accept full responsibility for everything that happens to them whatever circumstance that may come.

Another one for the poor and middle class mindset – they play the money game not to lose. They don’t see opportunity. They always focus on the downside. They’re always looking at it at a perspective of “What if lose my money?” It’s very much a fear driven perspective.

While financial independent people play the money game to win. They focus on the upside. I’m not saying they are reckless. They still see the risk involved but they focus on potential. They focus on where they want to go.

Poor and middle class want to be rich while financially independent people are committed to being rich. There’s a big difference from wanting and being committed. It’s not merely enough just to want it. You have to be committed to getting it.

The poor mindset focus on obstacles, things that get on their way or prevent them from getting what they want while the financially independent people focus on the opportunities. They spend their time going through new opportunities.

The poor mindset resents the poor and successful people. Whenever someone sees a rich and successful person on TV or newspaper or the magazine, what’s your first reaction? Do you resent them? Do you think they probably lied and cheated to get where they are? Do you think they’re money-hungry or that they should be content on what they have? Do you think thoughts like this? I sure hope not. But chances are, you know people who think this way.

Now, financially independent, rich and wealthy people – they don’t resent other’s success. In fact they admire them. When they see someone successful, their automatic reaction would be “I bet that person worked extremely hard to get where he is now.” “I bet they are driven, focused, they have fortitude, drive, determination, motivation. I bet they are very ambitious. Good on them for going out and making it happen. Good for them for actually achieving it.”

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